Sunday, January 1, 2012

Simple Balancing - Science Time Activity for Preschool and Kindergarten

Simple Balancing is an excellent and fun science project.

You will need:

2 light weight containers that are identical (butter tubs work well)

a hole punch or something that can poke holes in the containers

6 pieces of yarn or string – cut the same length
and a hanger

Carefully punch 3 holes equal distance around the rim of each container. 

Thread the yarn thru each hole and tie in a knot – leaving equal amounts of yarn on each container. 

Tie and knot the three pieces onto the hanger – do this with both containers – one on each side of the hanger.
This will create a simple balancing scale. 

Hang the scale from a hook or door knob ( the scale cannot be leaning against anything for more accurate results).

Once the scale has been completed – have the students compare objects weight. 

Which item is heaviest? Lighter? Weighs the same?

Also use 'prediction' as well. Graphing the results adds another dimension to this fun activity.

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